Sunday, January 11, 2009


Okay, I know I haven't been posting much. Last time I was posting, I was showing you HUGE messes. Well, they are getting tackled finally!!! Not only is pick up happening, AGAIN AND AGAIN, but ORGANIZING is occurring! I can't wait to show you my school/game room!! But, the reason all of these have been slow going in the first place is that they are all dependant on the other. My closet, for example is crucial for the game room to be completed. I haven't even unpacked my closet and moved in yet! We are still in boxes in parts of our house! So, I am plowing through these jobs with encouraging success. The good thing is, is that when this monster project of 3 closets and two rooms is completed, our WHOLE house will be organized and everything will have a place!!! I am so excited to have this finally done!

I am using my friend, Stephanie's, visit to motivate me. So, I hope to have all of this done and pictures posted before she arrives on Jan. 20th. See you then!